Easton Commons

Welcome to Easton Commons
The homes of Easton Commons surround a beautifully landscaped pool, park, gazebo and playground. The park serves as a gathering point both for adults and children, and offers activities from community events to swimming and impromptu volleyball games. It is complemented by the larger Easton Commons Nature Park nearby, which is owned and maintained by MUD 179. Easton Commons offers the closeness of a small community while being an active part of the larger Copperfield Community.
Please be advised that the Association now has a new portal website at https://graham.cincwebaxis.com.  Please make sure to register on this site to ensure that you receive any new community information.  This new site will have the ability to send broadcast text messages as well as emails.  It will also contain the Association’s governing documents, forms, and other helpful information.  You will also be able to see your individual account details, pay your annual assessment, and submit ARC applications.
Please click here for information on trash collection and setting up your account.  To email GFL with a service question or complaint, please click here

Association dues must be paid in full to access the pool and a new waiver is required each year for pool cards to be activated - please click here to access the waiver.  It can be emailed here for reactivation.  There is more information regarding the pool further down this page.  Pool is open from May 1st through October 31st. The pool is closed on Tuesdays.


In order to obtain a new card, please send this pool form, along with the $35 fee. If you mail this form, you can either send in a check or money order but if you email the form, you can pay online here.



Egrets and Night Herons

Egrets and Night Herons have created nesting sites in Easton Commons over the past 6 months.  The Egrets and Night Herons will return every spring in February. Prevention is Crucial - Egrets, herons and other migratory birds are protected by Federal International Treaty, it’s illegal for residents to harass or harm the birds once they begin nesting. Residents will need to band together and drive them out of our neighborhood for the next several years. Preventing the birds from building nests on residential property or in our parks is key.

Use these tactics between now and February.

1.     Trim your tree and remove dead wood, these birds favor oak trees and other hardwoods, but will nest in other mature trees as well.  Trim your tree canopy to allow sunlight between limbs and other nearby trees.  Experts say this is the MOST effective step.

2.     Remove any old inactive nests in your trees.  

February – Egret Prevention Tools!  This is the only opportunity homeowners have to scare the birds away and to disrupt the cycle.  Any home with mature trees is a potential nesting site.

  • Visual deterrents - Hang aluminum pie plates, Mylar balloons, beach balls with shiny streamers or other moving objects in large trees.
  • Noisemakers - Pump-style air horns, whistles, clappers and even children’s toys are effective. Make as much noise as possible aimed at the bird.  
  • Bright lights - High-intensity flashlights, strobe lights, flashing holiday lights can be effective.
  • Water sprayers - Power sprayers and pump-style toy water shooters can help. Homemade PVC pipe sprayers can help reach tall tree limbs.
  • Pool poles - Telescoping pool safety poles can be used to reach and remove early nesting material.
  • Any Non-lethal devices.
  • Check trees daily and remove the start of any nest quickly. Once birds begin sitting on the nest, eggs are probably present and birds cannot be harassed.




The Cy-Fair Volunteer Fire Department is requesting homeowner assistance in addressing the low hanging trees within the Copperfield community. These low hanging branches or limbs are hampering responses to calls for assistance. The branches and limbs are damaging equipment and Homeowner’s trees.  Routes to locations have to be altered. Some locations are unable to have an alternate route, leaving no recourse but to park the apparatus and walk to the location.
Several pieces of equipment are 13 feet tall and CFVFD is requesting that homeowners trim the trees to have a 14 feet umbrella over the street.  The Department members have been instructed not to damage their apparatus or the Homeowner’s trees by driving down streets that do not have appropriate passage.  The fire department does not wish to have a citizen with a fire or medical emergency that delays them receiving attention due to having to locate an alternate route or being forced to walk to the emergency location.

Easton Commons Village Fencing
All fences must be 6’6” tall (6’ tall plus a 6” rot board). Breezeway fences can be 4’ tall.  Those living on the outer edges of the community may use an 8’ fence (7’6” tall plus a 6” rot board) on that portion of the lot that faces the perimeter of the subdivision.  All fences should be installed so that the picket side faces outward, to avoid unsightly public exposure of rails and posts. (Perimeter is defined as non-Easton Commons property).  Pickets may range from 4 to 6 inches in width.

Report street light problems to:

Board meetings are typically held on the 2nd Wednesday, every other month at 6:00pm via zoom video conference. The information for connecting will be posted on the CINC webaxis site (see article and link above). 
Changes are possible so please call Graham Management on the day of the meeting
at  713-334-8000  to verify that a  meeting will be held.

Curb repair
Curbs are repaired through Harris County Precinct 4.  Visit the web site and request a work order  -  http://www.hcp4.net/cad/.  The homeowner’s must be involved with the request.  Only the straight part of the curb in front of the home will be repaired.  The end of the driveway and the inlet (curved smaller area) to the driveway is the homeowner’s responsibility.
Board Members:
President: Celso Hernandez
Vice President: Bianca Puentes
 Board Minutes

Tips for increasing Value

A home is one of the most valuable assets you have!  Maintaining and enhancing its appeal, increases it’s value as well as the value of homes in the entire neighborhood.  Pretty homes sell faster, and for more money, than unattractive homes.  Neighborhoods that have curb appeal throughout are more desirable; homeowners can ask for higher than average prices, sell for the price asked, and sell quickly.

Easton Commons would like to introduce some simple and inexpensive ways to keep your home beautiful and increase its curb appeal.  Evaluate your property on a regular basis to see if you have any of these opportunities for improvement.    
  • Remove trash and trash cans from the front of the property on a regular basis;
  • Cut the grass regularly;
  • Remove debris from the gutters;
  • Sweep the curb and pick up debris;
  • Weed the flower beds and trim any hedges;
  • Water and fertilize the lawn so it stays healthy and green;
  • Remove mildew from brick, siding, and sidewalks;
  • Trim bushes and trees that are obstructing sidewalks, intersections, or your neighbor’s property;
  • Repair broken windows, doors and garage doors;
  • Touch up faded paint and replace rotting wood;
  • Wipe down the front door, and polish the metal door hardware to make it shine;
  • Keep fencing and gates in good repair;
  • Keep the driveway free of stains and oil;
  • Park vehicles that are not moved often in the garage;
  • Keep basketball goals and toys off the streets;
  • Install landscape lighting;
  • Keep pets on a leash, and clean up after them;
  • Interact with neighbors; see if they could use some help with cleanup efforts;
  • Report any criminal activity or mischief;
If every homeowner in our community committed to making just one small improvement, it could increase our home values substantially, making us attractive to home buyers, making the neighborhood a more enjoyable and satisfying place to live.

Together, we can continue to keep our neighborhood a desirable one.


Pool Season May 1 - October 31
Location:  14830 Forest Trails Drive
Hours of Operation:  6:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Pool is closed on Tuesdays
Pool Rules:
  • All tobacco products are prohibited
  • No glass containers inside pool area
  • No pets in pool area
  • No running in pool area, no diving from chairs and no chairs in the pool
  • No roller-skates, roller blades or bicycles allowed in the pool area
  • Radios are permitted but volume should be at a level that does not disturb other guests or surrounding homes near the pool
  • Guests are permitted but must be accompanied by a resident and are limited to a total of 4 guests unless approved by the homeowners association
  • Proper swim attire to be worn in pool area
  • No food is to be consumed within four feet of the pool
  • Disorderly conduct will not be tolerated and should be reported
  • Horse play or actions which should cause harm to anyone in or around the pool will not be tolerated and should be reported
  • Adult residents are responsible for the safety and actions of their children and their guests in the pool area
  • Children under the age of 14 are not allowed in the pool area unless accompanied by their parent and or adult guardian
  • Failure to comply with any of the above rules can result in the suspension of pool privileges
  • $5000 fine for persons caught on camera or by sheriff's office breaking into pool area after hours or vandalizing pool park furniture or fixtures.
Pool access is granted by electronic card key.  New or replacement cards can be obtained through Graham Management.  New cards will have a $35.00 fee.   HOA fees are required to be at a zero balance.

Want to be involved in the crime watch team?  We are always in need of block captains and would welcome your participation.  
Going on Vacation?

Doing some landscaping and could use a discount?
Houston Garden Centers offers coupons in every Sunday Chronicle newspaper.  They offer on-line printable coupons as well.   

Gardening advice?
Gardening of any kind is an investment.  Here are some helpful websites and hotlines to call.
Gardenline with Randy Lemmon - http://www.ktrh.com/pages/gardenline2.html  radio show & pod casts available.
Harris County Master Gardeners web site - http://hcmga.tamu.edu/Public/pubMembership.aspx
Texas A&M AgrilLife Extension - http://harris.agrilife.org/program-areas/hort/

Schools - Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D.
(281) 370-4040
(281) 463-5800
(281) 856-1000
(281) 290-3200

Copperfield Newsletters are available on line at http://krenekprinting.com/nls.php.

Community Information
Emergencies #911

Harris County Sheriff      
713-221-6000 (option 6)

Harris County Fire Department       

Cy-Fair Volunteer Fire Department 

Poison Control Center                 
CenterPoint (Report street light outage)             
http://gis.centerpointenergy.com/sloreporting/CenterPoint Energy
(Report gas leak)                   
MUD # 179                                      

GFL Environmental (Trash Vendor)      
Harris County Services
Harris County Precinct 4 Street repairs              
Harris County Street Repairs           

Harris County Animal Control
Harris County Children’s Protective Services                 
Cy-Fair Sports Association               

Langham Creek YMCA                      
Easton Commons is Managed by:
Graham Management
2825 Wilcrest Drive Suite 600
Houston, Texas  77042
Click here to email
Association Manager
April Pitarra
Telephone: 713-334-8000
Fax: 713-334-5055